Yo readers... I m back and is 'worst' than ever... hahaha... jus came back frm sec 1 camp and i can say is ... tis year SEC 1 IS VER POWER!!!... hahah hw 2 say le.. they kind of ento onli last day of camp when they r breakin off camp for my class 1/6.....lols...bt hope tat 1/6 can stay as 1 for the entire secondary skool life.....
Day 1jus start the camp and i hv 2 start 'business' already.. my business aka first aider for the camp...
lols.. soo many sec 1 tis year injury themself lyt no ppl business.... here fall, there fall and the worst case is tat 1 student fall and dislocate his finger... OUCH!!!! OMG!!! tat is soo pain man... no choice... i cnt do anythin soo hv 2 col ambulance and send 2 hospital A&E already.....plus first day camp gt 10 ppl fall down and injury....
the sec1 kids hv 2 sings skool songs every meal and etc... blah,blah,blah... and the fun part of the camp is the shower part.. i and a few others who is ogl( orientation group leader) in-charge of the toliet and our duty.. make sure the kids dun take 2 long 2 bath.. soo.. we shout and bang the door of the toliet when they bathin.. haha.. i knw .. ver evil... then all over and wait till slpin time and sec 1 jus "2 excited" over the camp tat the entire of first nite nvr slp at all...OMG!!! the boys keep tokin away..slp for ard 1hours plus onli then wake up for second day activites....
Day 2mornin let the kids hv sum light exercise and after tat pass it 2 ex-vendor... plan for camp fire and also prepare for games as i m one of the games master ofr day 2.... afternoon after lunch, start games and ended ard 5 plus.. gt the kids 2 bath and final prepare for camp fire performance and set up.... everythin went pretty good and ended off ver well also... hahah.... chase them 2 slp and all slpin lyt pigs... oink,oink.... hahah....went out wit sum ogls for supper as we onli allow 2 go out the second nite..... ate supper and after tat stay in canteen use lappy bt jus simply cnt connect 2 internet cos dun problem wit my lappy... T_T.... then ply poker wit li qiang, almakal and k.s(kun sheng) ply until 3 plus gg 4 all 2 tired soo went 2 slp in the canteen bench... slp until 6a.m and start wash up....
Day 3 ( Last Day Of Camp)Last day of camp.... my class 1.6 is the most hyper class even though they did nt won any prize... bt still keepp up the spirts 1/6 =D.... clean up the whole skool and release the sec 1 ard 11a.m then slack until 1 plus and head hm and now i my turn 2 slp lyt pig..... oink,oink... hhaahah...
hope tat next year stil able 2 join the sec 1 camp b4 i go ns.... haha... and i will b the oldest bird at there once again... hhahaha.....
okay tat for the camp... hope 2 gt the 1/6 grp pic frm chers....=)......
okay.. i m back by demand... haha... tis year ogls... hv brought alot of laugher and shock to the camp... for instance... sum ogls which i dun wan mention names... haha...run straight 2 the metal pole while collin mi 2 go canteen for first aid help.... hahah... while sum.. also dun wan mention whoo.. scare ltr break my nose... haha... is shock mi alive... haha... she is able 2 b soo feirce tat i nvr expect 2 be while doin sum duty which is most of the student look forward 2 durin camp.. bt
afterall the camp is both fun and tirin 1.... most likely next year wil b gg there again b4 i go ns...=)